Sunday, August 16, 2009


After watching several videos, I have decided that there are three essential elements that make a video effective:

1) Short--even some of the 5 minute videos were too long! Perhaps this is because we are used to 30 second commercials on TV, but if you can't make a point and move on in a minute or less, you are toast!

2) Lively--The ones that held my interest had upbeat music and kept an energized pace.

3) Informative--The new Azle, TX Public Library may be poised for the 21st century, but other than lovely architecture and sweeping views from the balcony, I can't tell from the video how this library is different from other existing libraries. It would have been better served to explain new services---or better yet, show them in action, instead of repeating slides over and over.

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